Home Health & WellnessProducts 5 Comprehensive Supplements you need this Summer

5 Comprehensive Supplements you need this Summer

by Lorna Oakley
Summer Supplements

As you can imagine, writing about wellness and supplements potentially means that I should know what I’m doing. However, being freelance, working from home and then travelling a lot means that routine is not always as easy as I would like, some days are a 9-5 others are a little more crazy and some are not in the same country!

What is helpful though, is the opportunity to bring part of your summer wellness routine with you on your travels, this I think is a benefit for all of us regardless of our day-to-day plans, especially with a lot of us looking at summer holidays too.

The Gut Co

Your gut microbiome plays a crucial role in almost every aspect of your physical and mental health. Daily stresses, disrupted sleep, antibiotic use, and a lack of nutritious food and exercise are all modern-day lifestyle realities that can upset the natural balance of bacteria in your gut. Besides weighing you down with bloat and lethargy, an unhealthy gut also impacts critical physiological processes in your body that control your mood, immune-response, skin health, weight, and sleep.

Luckily, the gut is one of our most resilient organs, and once it starts getting the beneficial bacteria it needs, it’s able to bounce back to an optimal state of balance. When your gut microbiome is balanced and healthy, you’ll know, because you will begin to see improvements not only to your digestion, but to your overall sense of vitality and wellbeing.


I was sent a 30-day supply of Gut Co supplements, with each natural, sustainable tablet containing 6.1 billion+ (6.1 x 109 CFU) of the EXACT premium prebiotic fibres, yeasts and live probiotics proven most effective in strain-specific, peer-reviewed clinical studies, in their most effective dosages. Plus, XGZ their unique Multi-Layered Tablet Technology® ensures each ingredient is fully protected until your gut is ready to digest it, for superior absorption vs. capsules.

This is perfect if, like me, you stick to a plant-based diet, but sometimes fall off the wagon when it comes to gluten or carbs, it really does cut out the bloat. The Gut Co can be purchased here.


On the subject of plant-based supplements, Arella Collagen is a vegan plant-based collagen alternative that was sent to me. The reason I loved taking this (and I will be ordering more) is I can sometimes taste a ‘fishy’ aftertaste with marine collagen and with this collagen I could not taste that.


Our Arella Vegan Collagen is inspired by the skin, body connection and has been formulated to restore your overall health and wellbeing. Backed by scientific studies and contains VeCollal® – the world’s first plant-based (vegan) collagen alternative. Unrivalled quality and formulated with complementary ingredients to ensure optimum wellbeing inside and out.”

Infused with Japanese Plum, which gives a sweet rich taste, it’s so nice that it doesn’t need to be diluted and the sachets meant I took it on my travels to Mallorca also. And with “80% of participants observed a 13% reduction in wrinkles, after 8 weeks of daily use” it’s not just good for joint and overall health but it will help you look young too! Arella Collagen can be purchased here.

Eyeam Drops

These are made from natural ingredients, backed by science and created by a powerhouse mother-and-daughter duo. Formulated with high-impact anti-inflammatory ingredients + activated crystal infusions, this daily supplement was formulated to balance your hormones, alleviate PMS, lower stress, and support your mind, nervous system and gut-brain-skin axis.


These drops are formulated to work on your psycho-dermatology and they balance you, I felt results from the third day in. A drop under your tongue in the morning and you are good to go; interestingly, I had hormonal bloat and this was gone within 48 hours of using the drops. These taste rather good too. Eyeam Drops can be purchased here.


E-Lyte mimics electrolyte levels in the body for optimal hydration. Formulated with the three ingredients you need to bring electrolytes back to the perfect pH balance – Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium (this is essential whilst training in the summer more than anything in my personal opinion as I sweat more when training).

In 1984 our founder began to make E-Lyte in his bathtub after realizing that there was nothing on the market that truly mimicked the needs of the human body. Since then, E-Lyte has become a best seller for anyone looking for deeper hydration without all the “junk,” or fake sweet flavour found in most electrolyte products”.


BodyBio E-Lyte is the perfect combination of sodium which contracts muscles, potassium, which relaxes them, and magnesium, which plays a role in more than 300 enzymatic processes and is the force that drives potassium to relax a contracted muscle. Ideal for everyday athletes, pregnant women, or anyone looking to reduce painful cramps and stay energized all day—without all the unnecessary ingredients.

Most electrolyte concentrates are formulated specifically for professional athletes and contain levels of sodium and sugar that are way too high for daily use. That’s why E-Lyte was formulated with more potassium, less sodium, and no sugar to mimic human blood and give the body exactly what it needs.

As I mostly exercise in the morning, this tops up my glass of coconut water as soon as I wake up. Your afternoon coffee can be swapped with E-Lyte for a brain and body boost that avoids the sleepless nights that caffeine would usually create. Bodybio can be purchased here.

Natural Glow Hydration

The Natural Glow journey began by accident when their founder embarked on a humanitarian journey to purify water and provide it for free to the millions dependent on drinking water from rivers. Fortunately, he and his team stumbled across a revolutionary discovery, the water that was being purified and distributed was so pure it was nearly pharmaceutical grade, 99.999% pure to be precise!

This got them thinking that the whole world needed to benefit from this discovery, so they set about reproducing, duplicating and purifying until they could produce it on an enormous scale. But they wanted to go even further and produce a product that could revolutionise hydration.

NG Dual Cans

I was kindly sent a box of Natural Glow, enriched with the power of Glycine, a key player in collagen production, it has 0 salt, 0 sugar, 0 caffeine, and 0 calories – a promise of purity that aligns with your wellness goals.

The lightly sparkling Lemon/Lemongrass flavour has an infusion of essential electrolytes, including Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, and Potassium, providing a holistic approach to nourishing your body. Natural Glow can be purchased here.

To conclude, as you can see; there are so many options that are a natural alternative for this summer to supplement your wellness routine, that can help us all feel our best.


  • Lorna Oakley

    Based in Wales, Lorna swapped Chelsea and high-end couture for the countryside several years ago to focus on wellness and travel photography. A former stylist and personal shopper, Lorna now is a big fan of all things wellness and travel whilst also having a serious love of plant-based food. Life is now a balance of chasing the sun in Med and spending more time behind the camera.

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